Friday, 26 June 2015

Boost Your Height by Ayurveda

Boost Your Height by Ayurveda
If you're feeling depressed or having school or emotional problems related to delays in your growth and development, Ayurveda can help you get the height you always wanted. To increase height is a prime concern in many people's minds today. A good height makes one look great, be confident and have greater self-esteem.

How can Ayurveda help to increase your height?

Human growth hormone is one of the solutions to the problem of how to increase height. Human growth hormone is produced in the anterior portion of the pituitary gland deep inside the brain. Production peaks at adolescence when accelerated growth occurs. But growth hormone levels fall steadily on reaching adulthood, and the body stops to increase height.

Throughout our life, we constantly generate human growth hormone (HGH). Maintaining our body’s chemical balance and cell rejuvenation are two main reasons our body generates HGH. There are a number of factors that, if manipulated correctly, will substantially increase growth hormone levels in your body.

A potted plant never attains its maximum height if the natural growth promoting factors like water, sun-light or the rooting system is restricted. This is in analogy to human growth, says Ayurveda. Though, genetically, every person has been pre-programmed to attain a certain height, most people never reach this height simply because they do not do everything necessary for their body to maximize growth. Identifying and correcting the inhibiting factors can achieve growth promotion, in most of the cases.

Researchers says that height can be really increased :

According to the human growth medical research findings human height is not determined by genetic factor alone but is strongly influenced by the effects of certain hormones on the development of the 26 skeletal bones and the cartilageneous portions of the 62 bones of the lower body. The stimulation of the pituitary gland would increase hormonal production, which would then spur the growth of the cartilageneous portions of the bones of the lower body, ultimately leading to height increase.

Intensive scientific research has also proven that most young adults can still grow a few inches taller even after the bones in their lower body have become ossified (commonly known as "bone plate is fused"). This is because besides the length of the femur bone (thighbone), shinbone, and other bones in the lower body, the length of the spinal column in the upper body also significantly contributes to human height (about 35% of the total height).

There are totally 25 non-fusible disks in our spinal column which can constantly grow thicker under the stimulation of growth hormone. Their combined length accounts 25% of our total height.
The thicker those disks are, the longer your spinal column is and the taller you become. Even each disk grows only 0.25 cm (0.1 inch) thicker, you will grow 0.25 * 25 = 6.25 cm (2.5 inches) taller! 
Height and Age:

There is a certain age at which people usually stop to grow: men—25, women—21. It occurs shortly after puberty, but these numbers can be changed. Nevertheless, it is possible to continue growing until 25 years old for women and 27-30 years old for men.

It is possible because of Ayurveda therapies, certain exercises, physical activities, eating the right food with the right nutrients and vitamins. Of course, the older you are the harder it will be for you to gain height.

Ayurveda Treatments for Boosting your height, Diet & Lifestyle guidelines for increasing height naturally, Height Increasing Yoga Exercises..................
-      and many more can see more details  on our website link -
So, now do stop blaming to anywhere,  your genes and follow Ayurveda to achieve your dreams.

All Type of Height increase treatments and Panchkarma are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane, Mumbai, India. Mob - 9869105594   

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Yoga for First International yoga day – 21 June 2015

Yoga for First International yoga day – 21 June 2015

First International yoga day – 21 June 2015
Time period- 33 min.
Part 1 (2 min)
“संगच्छध्वम संवद्यध्वम, संवो मनासी जानताम् ।
देवाभागम् यथा पूर्वे, संजानाना उपासते ।।”
Part 2 (3 min)
Warming up
(For relextion)
Neck rotation
Shoulder rotation
Hip rotation
Knee rotation
Part 3 (15 min)
A) Yogasan in standing position
1) Tadasan ताड़ासन
2) Vrukshasan वृक्षासन
3) Pad Hastsan पादहस्तासन
4) Ardhchakrasan अर्धचक्रासन
5) Trikonasan त्रिकोणासन
B) Yogasan in seating position
1) Bhadrasan भद्रासन
2) Shashankasan शशांकासन
3) Ardh ushtrasan अर्धउष्ट्रासन
4) Vkrasan वक्रासन
C) Yogasan in sleeping position (on stomach)
1) Bhujangasan भुजंगासन
2) Shalbhasan शलभासन
3) Makrasan मकरासन
D) Yogasan in sleeping position
1) Setu bandh sarvangasan सेतुबंध सर्वांगसन
2) Pawan muktasan पवन मुक्तासन
3) Shwasan शवासन
Part 4 (2 min)
Kapalbhati कपालभाति
(10-12 strocks in 3 round)
Part 5 (5 min)
Pranayaam प्राणायाम
1) Nadishodhan नाडीशोधन (5 round)
2) bhramari Pranayaam भ्रामरी प्राणायाम (5 round)
Part 6 (6 min)
Seat in any kind of Dhyan mudra
(शांभवी मुद्रा, आँखे बंद और हातों की ज्ञान मुद्रा ।)
At the time of Meditation play melodies background music.
Lastly take Sankalp
” हमें हमारे मन को हमेशा संतुलित रखना है। इसीमेही हमारा आत्मविकास समाया हुआ है। विश्व की ऐक्यता के लिये, स्वास्थ के लिये और शांतता के वृद्धि के लिये, विश्व के प्रति, समाज के प्रति, मेरे काम के प्रति, मेरे परिवार के प्रति और मेरे खुद के प्रति जो कर्तव्य है मैं उन्हें पूरा करने का निश्चय करता हूँ।
All Types of  Yoga Guidance -  available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane.
Mob – 9869105594

Constipation and Ayurved

Constipation means hard stools, difficulty in passing stools or a sense of incomplete emptying after a bowel movement. It is defined as fewer than three bowel movements a week.
It is more common in children and old age.
  • Diet – common cause of constipation is diet low in fibre found in vegetables, fruits and diet high in fats found in cheese, eggs, etc.
  • Liquid – low intake of liquid. Liquids like water and juice add fluid to colon and bulk to stool, making bowel movements softer and easier to pass.
  • Medications – medicines like Antacid, Narcotics, Antispasmodics, Antidepressants, Iron supplements can slow passage of bowel movements.
  • Abuse of Laxatives – Laxatives can be habit forming. The colon begins to rely on laxatives to bring on bowel movements. So over use of laxatives damage nerve cells in colon.
  • Pregnancy – hormonal changes during pregnancy slow down the intestinal activities which might lead to constipation.
  • Vitiated Vata Dosha
  • Straining or difficulty in passing stools.
  • Painful bowel movement.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Dry bowel movement.
  • Distention of abdomen.
  • Feeling uncomfortable.
  • Anal fissure
  • Haemorrhoids (bleeding piles)
  • Rectal prolapsed
  • Proper fluid intake.
  • Diet rich in fibres.
  • 1 glass of hot (luke warm) water after getting up in morning.
  • 1 glass of milk with one table spoon of ghee mixed in it at night before sleeping.

  • Panchkarma – Basti, Snehpan.
  • Anuloman Chikitsa
  • Snigdha Ahar
  • Castor Oil etc.
All Type of  treatments and Panchkarma for Constipation are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane.
Mob – 9869105594
Dandruff, Hair Loss And Baldness
Dandruff is a common cause of concern nowadays.
Dandruff is a condition in which white flakes and scales of dead skin are shed off from the scalp.
Sometimes it causes hair loss.
Lack of hair on head is called baldness. It is also known as ‘Alopecia’.
Alopecia areata: It is an autoimmune disorder also known as ‘spot baldness’.
Alopecia totalis: loss of all head hair.
DANDRUFF: It is mainly caused by fungus ‘Mallassezia globosa’.
  • Vata Kapha Dosha Vruddhi, Dryness.
  • Hypersensitivity to dust, smoke, shampoo, etc.
  • Improper nourishment.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Mental stress.
  • Hair color, harsh shampoo.
  • Exposure to extreme weather conditions.
  • Chronic illness or major surgery.
  • Chemotherapy: hair follicles in growing phase are affected by chemotherapy while this treatment targets dividing cancer cells.
  • Severe stress.
  • Iron deficiency is common cause of thinning of hair.
  • Hypothyroidism can cause hair loss, typically frontal and thinning of lateral one third of eyebrows.
  • Itching is a common symptom.
  • White flakes of dead skin falls off from the scalp.
  • Redness of scalp occurs in severe cases of dandruff.
Fall of hairs indicates hair loss whose extreme condition leads to baldness(partial or total).
Shiro Abhyang
Special Shirodhara

Oral Medication
Local oil Application
- Dr. Amruta Kulkarni
All Type of Hair treatments and Panchkarma are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane.
Mob – 9869105594



PCOD is one of the most common female endocrine disorders affecting women of reproductive age (12 to 45 yrs.) and is thought to be one of the leading causes of female infertility.
  • Oligo menorrhoea, Amenorrhoea- irregular, few or absent menstrual periods
  • Infertility generally resulting from chronic anovulation (lack of ovulation)
  • Hirsutism – Excessive hair growth on face and body
  • Sudden Weight gain or loss
  • Other Symptoms- Acne, Acanthosis nigrans(blackish discolouration of skin)
– Pelvic Ultrasound, Blood tests, Hormonal study.
Ayurved Treatment –
– Ayurvedic Panchkarma-  Basti, Vaman, Virechan, etc as per patients constitution and dosha
– Medicinic – Ayurvedic  Medicine helps to cure PCOD by Ayurvedic Vaidya at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center
– Diet , Exercise (YOGA) and Lifestyle Modification plays an important role in PCOD.
‘ Without the aggravation of Vata, the Yoni (Vagina and related organs) does  not get disordered in Women, hence it should be treated before Pitta and Kapha’ – Ashtanga Hridaya ( Ayurvedic Textbook)

All Type of  treatments and Panchkarma for PCOS are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane. mob 9869105594