Burning Micturition Ayurvedic Treatment
Burning Micturition means Burning sensation in passage of urine during or after passing urine. During summer season, burning micturition is a very common symptom and often it is very irritating and painful. Burning micturition is due to our lack of self-maintenances, less fluid intake etc. There may be a chance of UTI (urinary tract infection).
Causes -
- Dehydration
- Unhygienic life style
- Avoiding urge of urination
- Sharing of public toilets is a major cause in women as the contact distance is less and due to short length of urethra, infection generally spreads quickly.
- Sharing of undergarments
- Concentrate urine
- Excess intake of spicy food
- Excess intake of alcohol
- Retention of urine for a prolong time which is commonly seen in women and especially in outdoor activities or journeys.
- Intake of excessive Steroidse etc
- STD (sexually transmitted diseases)
- Stone formation in the Urinary Tract
- Expose to hot and sunny atmosphere for a long time.
Symptoms -
- Burning sensation in urethra during or after passing urine
- Painful micturition (pain during passing urine)
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- Pain in the pelvic area or back.
- Increases frequency of urination
- Mild to severe raise of temperature with chill and rigor
- The urine with a strong smell, looks cloudy, or contains blood. ( urinary tract infections)
- Fear for passing urine.
- Urgency for passing urine, which may recur immediately after the urination.
Investigations -
- Urine examination - routine.
- Urine - Culture and sensitivity
- Blood Routine Examination
- Blood sugar level
- Serum Urea
- Serum Creatinine
- X ray plain abdomen (KUB)
- USG whole abdomen
Simple remedies / advice -....................
................... For more……Mob. no. – 9869105594 , please see the article on www.amrutaayurved.in / Article
Ayurvedic Panchkarma Treatments -
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( For more please contact Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center )
Yogasanas -
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Pranayam -
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(to control mind) ( because severe pain and burning may causes depression )
(अधिक जानकारी के लिए संपर्क – ९८६९१०५५९४)
For more……Mob. no. – 9869105594 , http://amrutaayurved.in/
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All Type of Ayurveda treatments, Panchakarma are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane, Mumbai, India. Mob – 9869105594
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