Kesh Palitya, पालित्य, Gray Hair, बालों का सफेद होना, केस पांढरे होणे and Ayurveda
In Ayurveda premature graying of hair is called as Palitya. Now a days it has become a burning issue, especially in young generation due to drastic changes in today’s life style and environmental pollution lead to untimely (premature) graying of hair. Our hair follicles have pigment cells that make melanin, a chemical that gives hair its color. As effect of Aging, these cells start to die and without pigment, new hair strand grow in lighter color and take on various shades of gray, silver & white. Once a follicle stops making melanin, it won’t make colored strands again.
- Adibalapravritta (Genetic) – autosomal dominant condition or in association with various autoimmune or premature aging syndromes.
- Stress (mental stress i.e. mansika shrama)
- Smoking, Alcohol etc. bad habits
- Thyroid etc. metabolic disorders
- Vitiligo
- Deficiency of Iron, Copper, vitamin B12, Calcium & Vitamin D3 etc.
- Aharaja (dietary) – Excess intake of pungent (katu), sour (amla), salt (lavana), pungent (tikshna), hot (ushna), light (laghu), kulathha (horse gram), mustard (sarshapa), linseed (atasi), green vegetable (harita shaka), fish (matsya), goat (aja), sheep (avika), curd (dadhi), takra (butter milk), Paneer, Cheese, water of curd (mastu), suravikara (type of sour alcohol) and amla phala (sour fruits), etc.
- Viharaja (life style) – over indulgence in physical exercise, exertion, awakening during night, Excessive exposure to sunlight, intake of vitiated air and fast (upavasa).
- Manasika (Psychological) – Excessive anger (Krodha), grief (shoka), fear (bhaya)
Ayuredic Treatments for Palitya –
- Purification procedures of Ayurveda Panchakarma (detoxifying therapies)
- Nasya karma (nasal medication)
- Shiro dhara (pouring medicated oil on head),
- Shoro pichu (cloth dipped in medicated oil kept on head),
- Shiro basti (oil is kept on head with an apparatus),
- Shiro lepa (application of medicated paste over head),
- Shiro abhyanga (medicated oil massage to head)
- Rasayan Medicines
( Please Ask Ayurveda Doctor for Personalized diagnosis and treatments )
Yoga for Hair care
- Shirshasan
- Uttanpadasan
- Uttanasan
- Vajrasan
- Adhomukhshwanasan
- Anulom Vilom Pranayam
- Kapalbhati
Helpful tips to prevent premature grey hair
- Avoid above causes of premature graying of Hair.
- Very important for prevention of hair graying is to avoid excess salt in diet.
- Take Avala products in diet, Gulkand etc.
- Wash your hair with normal (not hot or not very cold) water.
- Protect your hair from the ultraviolet rays of the sun and chlorinated swimming pools by wearing a cap.
- Don’t indulge in harmful practices such as smoking, alcohol and drugs.
- Avoid caffeinated drinks, Tea, coffee etc.
- Eat a healthy and balanced diet.
- Avoid using chemicals for curling, straightening or coloring your hair. The side effects can be unpredictable.
- Lead a stress-free life.
- Include healthy and wholesome practices as per the advice of Ayurveda Doctor.
For more personalized advice as per prakruti etc. contact Ayurveda Doctor.
@ डॉ आनंद कुलकर्णी MD Ayurved
अमृता आयुर्वेद पंचकर्म सेंटर, A-२ / 305, नागेश टॉवर, हरिनिवास, नौपाडा, ठाणे प. Ph. 9869105594 / 8779584840
For Gray Hair, all treatments and medicines are available, Ayurvedic Medicated Keshya Oil,Shampoo, Lep, hair dye etc are available at Amruta Ayurved, Thane. Book Your order or appointment now on whatsapp – 9869105594
Visit Amruta Ayurved Thane for expertise opinion about your Health problems.
Dr Anand Kulkarni and Dr Amruta Kulkarni
Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center
Authorized sub center of Keshayurved
A-2 / 305, Nagesh Tower, Hariniwas, Naupada, Thane west
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All Type of Ayurveda treatments, Panchakarma, Massage, Steam, Shirodhara are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane, Mumbai, India. Mob – 9869105594
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