Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Nasya Ayurved Corona Covid19

नस्य आयुर्वेदिक पंचकर्म #Nasya #Ayurvedic #Panchkarma

#covid19 ,#corona #कोरोना मे भी preventive, रोग प्रतिबंधक साबीत हो रहा है |

हजारो साल पहले बताया गया उपाय आज भी उतना ही असरदार है|

#नस्य का अर्थ -

      ‘दवाई नाक में डालना’ इसे नस्य कहते है | आयुर्वेद में ‘#नासा ही शिरसो द्वारम्’ याने शिर का द्वार नासा (#नाक) है, ऐसा कहा है | इसलिए नाक, #कान, #मुह, #सिर और #दिमाग इनकी बीमारियों में नाक से दी जानेवाली दवाईया तुरंत असर करती है |

      नस्य यह एक #आयुर्वेदीय_पंचकर्म है | अगर कोई बिमारि के लिये कर रहे हो तो वैद्य की सलाह लेना जरुरी है | वैद्य अपनी चिकित्सालय में नस्य की बुँदे और दवाई रोगी के रोग अनुसार ठहराते है | परन्तु अगर आप निरोगी हो और स्वास्थ्य के लिए (#व्याधी_प्रतिबन्ध के लिए, #प्रतिकार_शक्ति बढाने के लिए ) घर पर करना चाहते हो तो, दो बूंद की मात्रा में दोनों नाक में दवाई डालनी है |

नस्य के फायदे –

      नाक मे फॅट का स्तर (Bilipid layer) बायलिपिड लेअर  रहता है तो #Bacteria #जीवाणु #Virus #विषाणु उसमे फस जाते है और वही मर जाते है |

नस्य से नाक मे सिलियरी बिटिंग (Ciliary Beating) बढता है और विजातीय द्रव्य श्वसनवह संस्थान से बाहर फेक देने में मदत होती है |

नाक, मुह, कान, आँख के रोग नहीं होते |

याददाश अच्छी रहती है |

नींद अच्छी आती है

#सर्दी, #खासी, #Sinus ( #सायनस), अनेक प्रकार के #इन्फेक्शन इत्यादि में नस्य बहोत लाभदायी होता है |

@#डॉ_आनंद_कुलकर्णी #Dr_Anand_Kulkarni

अमृता आयुर्वेद पंचकर्म सेंटर      A-२ / 305, नागेश टॉवर, हरिनिवास, नौपाडा, #ठाणे प. Ph. 9869105594

#स्वदेशी (#लोकल #Local) #आयुर्वेद अपनाये और #स्वास्थ्य पाये

कृपया #लेख #Article #लाइक #Like करे, अपने दोस्तों के साथ जरुर #शेयर #Share करे,  

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for expertise opinion about your Health problems. 

Dr Anand and #Dr_Amruta_Kulkarni

All Type of  Ayurveda treatments, Panchakarma  are available at #Amruta_Ayurved_Panchkarma_Center, Thane, #Mumbai, India. For Appointment Mob – 9869105594 / 8779584840

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Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Trigeminal Neuralgia and Ayurveda

Trigeminal Neuralgia and Ayurveda

Trigeminal neuralgia is the pain condition like an electric shock that affects certain areas in face. Trigeminal nerve is one of the cranial nerve among 12 cranial nerves coming out of the brain.

Each trigeminal nerve splits into three branches, controlling the sensations for different parts of the face.

The ophthalmic branch – It controls your eye, upper eyelid, and forehead.

The maxillary branch – This affects your lower eyelid, cheek, nostril, upper lip, and upper gum.

The mandibular branch – It runs your jaw, lower lip, lower gum, and some muscles you use for chewing.

The Neuralgia can affect any of the three nerve branches. Usually, pain feel on only one side of the face. Some people feel it on both sides. When that happens, it’s called bilateral trigeminal neuralgia.


Common symptoms

  • Pain (like an electric shock) lasts for few seconds to several minutes
  • Stabbing or shooting pain.
  • Pain triggered by brushing teeth, washing face, shaving, or putting on makeup,  Blowing nose, Eating or drinking, especially hot or cold foods or drinks, Talking, Smiling, Even a light breeze against your face might set off your pain.
  • Pain may feel that it coming on, as burning or achiness, before it becomes very painful.
  • The attacks happen several times a day or a week, followed by periods during which you have none at all. These pain-free periods are known as remission.
  • Pain usually affects only one side of the face.
  • Pain may affect just one part of your face or spread to a wider area.
  • Episodes happen more often over time, and the pain can worsen.
  • You feel the pain mostly in your cheek, jaw, teeth, gums, and lips. The eyes and forehead are affected less often.

Although the pain can be intense, the condition is not life-threatening. It can be a progressive disease, though, meaning that it gets worse over time.

If you have facial pain especially sensations that keep coming back or don’t respond to over the counter pain relievers make an appointment with doctor.


Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatments

  • Ayurveda medicines (as per Ayurveda doctor’s prescription)
  • Ayurvedic Panchkarma treatments– Nasya, Basti, Abhyang, Snehan Swedan, Netratarpan, Shirodhara, Shirobasti
  • Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation, Stress relaxation, Positivity
  • Modern Medication – Typical pain medications don’t work well for people with trigeminal neuralgia, To keep the nerves from reacting to irritation, you may take anticonvulsant medications or muscle relaxants or tricyclic antidepressant
  • Surgery – Balloon compression, Gamma knife radiosurgery, Glycerol shot, Radiofrequency ablation, Microvascular decompression, Neurectomy,
  • Acupuncture
  • Aromatherapy etc


For more personalized advice as per prakruti etc. contact Ayurveda Doctor.

@ डॉ आनंद कुलकर्णी Dr Anand Kulkarni, MD Ayurved

अमृता आयुर्वेद पंचकर्म सेंटर, A-२ / 305, नागेश टॉवर, हरिनिवास, नौपाडा, ठाणे प. Ph. 9869105594 / 8779584840

All Panchkarma treatments and medicines are available, at Amruta AyurvedThane. Book Your order or appointment now on whatsapp – 9869105594

Visit Amruta Ayurved Thane for expertise opinion about your Health problems.

Dr Anand Kulkarni and Dr Amruta Kulkarni

Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center

Authorized sub center of Keshayurved

A-2 / 305, Nagesh Tower, Hariniwas, Naupada, Thane west



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For Consultation with Expert Doctor of Amruta Ayurved Panchakarma Center, Contact for Appointment – 8779584840


All Type of  Ayurveda treatments, Panchakarma, Massage, Steam, Shirodhara are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane, Mumbai, India. Mob – 8779584840

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