Monday 6 April 2015

Shirodhara - One of the Best Mind Relaxation Therapy

Shirodhara – An Ayurvedic Panchkarma

'Shiro' means forehead and 'Dhara' means flow. This is considered as a body purifying and dosha-Balancing technique. It helps to open the channels of body and mind to facilitate the treatment of disease.

Shirodhara is the sublimely restful treatment within Ayurveda where a continuous stream of warmed oil gently pours on the forehead on the area of the 'Third Eye' also called as Cosmic Eye. In this technique, liquid medicaments (like herbalised oil or milk) are placed in a suspended bowl tied with a string at an appropriate height above the forehead (while the person under treatment is in a supine position). This is a blissful one-hour treatment where you enter a deep state of relaxation.

This treatment directly affects the central nervous system and profoundly relaxes the mind.

  • Benefits of Shirodhara:
    • One of the Best relaxation procedures
    • Ideal treatment plan for relieving mental stress and related problems.
    • Also used in the treatment of insomnia, migraine, epilepsy, ear - nose and throat diseases, paralysis neuralgia, loss of speech, alcoholism and depression
    • Dhara alleviates fatigue lack of vitality, improves memory and restores equilibrium of doshas( Vata, Pitta, Kapha).
    • Balances the emotions.  
In Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center we have different types of Shirodhara for different purpose.
Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center . mob 9869105594
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