Monday 29 February 2016

Schizophrenia and Ayurveda

Schizophrenia is mental disorder. It has a strong hereditary component.Schizophrenia is a challenging disorder that makes it difficult to distinguish between what is real and unreal, think clearly, manage emotions, relate to others, and function normally. People may see or hear things that don’t exist, speak in strange or confusing ways, believe that others are trying to harm them, or feel like they’re being constantly watched. This can make it difficult to negotiate the activities of daily life. 
Schizophrenia can be successfully managed by Ayurveda and a person with schizophrenia can lead a happy, fulfilling life.
In the ancient texts of Ayurveda, there are detailed descriptions of mental disorders known as.........................................................

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All Type of  Ayurveda treatments, Panchkarma  are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane, Mumbai, India. Mob – 9869105594
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Friday 19 February 2016

Spondylosis and Ayurveda

Spondylosis and Ayurveda
Now a days, the number of people complaining of  Spondylosis, also known as Spinal Osteoarthritis and it is rising rapidly. The human body is supported by the vertebral column which provides motility and stability so that person can remain upright all the day. In the normal position, the spine has a slight ‘S’ shaped curve. This curve allows even distribution of weight of the upper body parts. The joints in the spine can twist or bend with little friction between the vertebrae. Spondylosis is a degenerative that may cause.............................
Ayurvedic view of Spondylosis
Vata Vyadhi (Disorder) is a disorder that arises in the body due to......................................

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All Type of  Ayurveda treatments, Panchkarma  are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane, Mumbai, India. Mob – 9869105594
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Tuesday 16 February 2016

Insomnia and Ayurveda

Insomnia and Ayurveda
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. People with insomnia have trouble sleeping, difficulty falling asleep, or staying asleep as long as desired even though one had the opportunity to get a full night of sleep. The causes, symptoms and severity of insomnia vary from person to person. It can lead to memory problems, depression, irritability and an increased risk of heart disease and automobile related accidents.
In Ayurveda, Insomnia is known as Anidra. According to the Ayurvedic perspective, the vitiation of the three doshas...................................

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All Type of  Ayurveda treatments, Panchkarma  are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane, Mumbai, India. Mob – 9869105594
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Friday 12 February 2016

पालेभाज्या व आयुर्वेद (Leafy vegetables and Ayurveda)

पालेभाज्या व आयुर्वेद (Leafy vegetables and Ayurveda)
आयुर्वेदात फार प्राचीन कालापासून पथ्यकर व कुपथ्यकारक असे आहारपदार्थाचे केलेले वर्गीकरण ग्रंथात आढळते. धान्ये, कडधान्ये, फळे, दूध, मीठ, मांस, फळभाज्या, तोंडलावणी या अनेक प्रकारच्या अन्नपदार्थाचे प्रत्येकाचे काही खास वैशिष्टय़ आहे. आहारात पालेभाज्यांचे स्थान मर्यादित आहे. म्हणूनच पालेभाज्या खाताना विशेष काळजीही घ्यायला हवी. पालेभाज्यांचे आहारात मर्यादित काम आहे. त्याकरिता त्या मर्यादा आपण समजावून घेणे आवश्यक आहे..............

For more details, please see the articles on
All Type of  Ayurveda treatments, Panchkarma  are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane, Mumbai, India. Mob – 9869105594
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Tuesday 9 February 2016

Cataract and Ayurveda

A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye leading to a decrease in vision. It can affect one or both eyes. Often it develops slowly. This may result in trouble driving, reading, or recognizing faces. Cataracts are the cause of half of blindness  and visual impairment worldwide. 
Cataracts occur when there .....................................

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Causes, Symptoms,
 & Ayurved Treatment
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All Type of  Ayurveda Panchkarma Therapy and Treatments are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane, Mumbai, India. Mob – 9869105594

Saturday 6 February 2016

तिल या तिल तेल के उपयोग (Sesame and Sesame Oil Benefits)

तिल या तिल तेल के उपयोग (Sesame and Sesame Oil Benefits)

नास्ति तैलात् परं किञ्चिदौषधं मारुतापहम्|
व्यवाय्युष्ण गुरु स्नेहात् संस्काराद्वलवत्तरम्||

1) तिल भारी, स्निग्ध, गरम, कफ-पित्त-कारक, बलवर्धक, केशों को.......................................................................................

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All Type of  Ayurveda Panchkarma Therapy and Treatments are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane, Mumbai, India. Mob – 9869105594